2021 Officer Elections

The 2021 officer election for the Bay Area Mashtronauts will take place on Tuesday November 9th at Saloon Door Brewing, or online via Zoom Meetings. Here is the Zoom information: Topic: November BAM Meeting Time: Nov 9, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85683251665?pwd=ODZGQllreEZMdjJKc0pzY3hwdjRNQT09 Meeting ID: 856 8325 1665 Passcode: … Continue reading "2021 Officer Elections"

August BAM Meeting

Our August in person meeting will be at Saloon Door Brewing in their “Texas Room” on Tuesday August 10th. Please note that the location has changed for this month. Please spread the word. Homebrew will be allowed for a bottle share, but outside commercial beer is not. We will try this out in August and … Continue reading "August BAM Meeting"

Mashtronauts/GBB Beer Release Party

Join us on Sunday August 1st at noon to support your fellow Mashtronauts Ryan Cooper and Josh Santelises. They won a competition that allowed them to brew their “Gose Libre” at Galveston Bay Brewing. The beer release party is this Sunday at noon. Please come out and show your support for these great brewers!

July BAM Meeting

Our July in person meeting will be at Hoppin Grape Homebrew Supply on Tuesday July 13th. We will also provide a link to the Zoom meeting for those who can’t attend or still prefer the online meeting. That link will be emailed to dues paid members and posted on our social media account on Tuesday … Continue reading "July BAM Meeting"

Mashtronauts Uplink Issue 03

Here is the third edition of the Mashtronauts Uplink, our new quarterly club newsletter for 2021.  Click the link below to view the PDF version of the newsletter. Mashtronauts Uplink Issue 03

First Friday Education Class

On the first Friday of every month at 6:30 pm, the Mashtronauts will present an hour and a half education class for dues paid members. Topics will vary, but some examples are malt & hop sensory training, yeast propagation, water chemistry, and beer style discussions. What to bring: a 3 ring binder and 2 pens … Continue reading "First Friday Education Class"

June BAM Meeting

Our June in person meeting will be at Hoppin Grape Homebrew Supply on Tuesday June 8th. We will also provide a link to the Zoom meeting for those who can’t attend or still prefer the online meeting. That link will be emailed to dues paid members and posted on our social media account on Tuesday … Continue reading "June BAM Meeting"

May BAM Meeting

With a couple of months of in person meetings under our belt, I think we are officially back to our pre-covid routine. We’re excited to be able to host an in person meeting at Hoppin Grape Homebrew Supply on Tuesday May 11th. We will also provide a link to the Zoom meeting for those who … Continue reading "May BAM Meeting"